Hiren Patel
There is a lot more regional pride in our own work rather than a Western influence.
There is a lot more visibility of really good and different work happening across India. Post- Independence, we had few architects whose work was dominating the Indian scenario. Now, we have a innumerable young and senior design firms. Also, there is a lot more different way of thinking and philosophy of work. But what we have started to see now is a lot more regional pride in our own work rather than a Western influence.

Sometimes I feel that computer and software are taking away our creativity. We need to become an expression of how to take technology as an advantage to design.

Every material from traditional to modern has it’s plus and minus points, so fusion works best. However, every project demands different materials and technology. Construction techniques like Precast, PEB, Drywall, are new to India as compared to their use in the West. It is good to use such new techniques for innovative design and solutions.


India is growing faster or rather I would say there is a madness in the development. Having such a huge demand, it is necessary to have a controlled working system, else we will end up making poor designs and buildings, which will be a national waste. Unfortunately, I am seeing this happening already. As architects, we need to be alert and self-disciplined to achieve the best results.